5 things I am loving lately…
Indoor Walking Club Videos
I discovered these videos by Fit as Hel on Instagram. I love that they are easy to do during my lunch break at home, while little C is playing, or even while I am cooking dinner. It’s been an easy and consistent way for me to get movement in during the work week. I love that she changes each movement every 30 seconds and that I can easily add in yoga/pilates at the end of the video as well. I highly recommend these videos!
2. Stanley Water Bottle
I know this has been so much hype all over social media and I definitely bought one with that hype. I do not own the most updated model but I do love this water bottle for the car and for around the house. It’s easy to fill up and know my water intake by the end of the day. The 40oz is perfect and as long as I place it in an area where I will see it I notice I drink a lot more water throughout the day.
3. Garden of Life B12 Vitamin Spray
I notice a huge shift in my mood and in my energy levels when I incorporate this supplement into my day. I like that it’s just a quick spray that tastes pretty good.
4. The Simple Wild Series
by K.A. Tucker
I love chick flick books that you can easily get lost in the story. I have a habit of wanting to finish the book as quickly as possible so I can see how it ends and I finished all four of this series in one weekend. I love that the story took place in Alaska and was about love, family, and friends.
This journal by Wit & Delight has been my favorite. I love the linen cover, the gold edges on the pages, and the thickness of the interior pages. I use this journal for yoga sequencing, journaling, planning learning activities for little C, etc. The best part is that it lays flat when open.